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Property: Practice, Problems, and Perspectives

SKU: 978-1454851370

Property Law: Practice, Problems, and Perspectives is a unique package that features a concise, user-friendly, accessible casebook with a two-color design and straightforward exposition and an online simulation that features practice-ready materials and author-scripted videos with questions and problems.


  • Blends property doctrine and real-world practice, not only with practice tips, but also by focusing on the subjects that practitioners need to know.
  • A stimulating, challenging presentation that is also transparent. The book retains the subtlety of the classic texts but comments explicitly on the overlapping elements to ensure that students can see all the connections.
  • Numerous examples richly illustrate the introduction of new material.
  • A unique interactive element that teaches students how to read a land survey
  • A robust electronic version of the casebook on CasebookConnect.com that includes links to online simulation materials such as videos and practice-ready materials. For students not using CasebookConnect.com, they can purchase access to the online simulation materials separately (ISBN: 9781454851868).”